Where To Get The Best Anavar In Canada?


Female Anavar 5mg 50 Tabs

Oxandrolone was first introduced in the early 1960s under the trade name Anavar by GD Searle & co. and was promoted as carrying numerous therapeutic qualities. Shortly after its first appearance, it nearly disappeared entirely in 1989 due to FDA pressure and control of the steroid market. It reappeared in 1995 and now remains one of the most common and popular oral anabolic steroids due to its widely-tolerated nature among both men and women, with little to no side effects. It is primarily prescribed to prevent frailty and loss of muscle mass due to ageing, surgery, infection, trauma, and other catabolic clinical disorders. It has also been proven effective in treating prolonged exposure to corticosteroids and osteoporosis by the promotion of bone density. It carries a high anabolic rating (322-630), indicating it is 3-6x stronger than testosterone, however, it does not directly translate to that for muscle-building properties in the real world. If you are looking for massive gains for a bulking cycle, Anavar will not cut it. It is considered one of the weaker bulking steroids, making it an excellent choice for women. It is more commonly used among both male and female athletes during a cutting cycle due to its excellent ability to burn fat while preserving lean muscle tissue.

Female Anavar (PINK): 5mg x 50 tablets / Standard Anavar (GREEN): 20mg x 50 tablets

Anabolic/Androgenic Rating: (322-630):24

Half-life: 8 hours

Recommended Dosage: 5-15mg/day (FEMALE)

Ideal Cycle Length: 6-8 weeks (FEMALE)

Common FEMALE Stacks: Winstrol, Primobolan, Clenbuterol, and T3.

Buy Anavar Oral steroid in Canada

ANAVAR 20mg 50 Tabs

Are you looking for a powerful performance enhancer?

Buy Anavar online at OxygenPharm! This oral steroid has been designed to increase muscle mass and strength, while simultaneously promoting fat loss. Anavar is the perfect choice for anyone looking to improve their physique and enhance their athletic performance. With its ability to boost protein synthesis and reduce muscle breakdown, Anavar will help you achieve your fitness goals faster than ever before. Don’t settle for anything less than the best – try Anavar today and experience the results for yourself!

  • Lasting lean muscle growth
  • Zero water retention
  • Ability to preserve lean muscle tissue while burning fat
  • Increased strength, speed, and power
  • Enhanced recovery and endurance
  • Enhanced muscular and cardiovascular endurance
  • Directly promotes lipolysis
  • Enhances metabolic rate
  • Increased red blood cell count and nitrogen retention in the muscle

Female (PINK): 5mg x 50 tablets

Standard (GREEN): 20mg x 50 tablets

Anabolic/Androgenic Rating: (322-630):24

Half-life: 8 hours

Recommended Dosage: 40-80mg/day (MALE) / 5-15mg/day (FEMALE)

Ideal Cycle Length (Male): 6-12 weeks (MALE) / 6-8 weeks (FEMALE)

Common Stacks: Testosterone, Masteron, Winstrol, or any combination of oral/injectable compounds.

Common FEMALE Stacks: Winstrol, Primobolan, Clenbuterol, and T3.

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