STENABOLIC (SR-9009) – 10mg x 60 tabs
Although Stenabolic is often referred to as a “SARM”, it is not a SARM at all. It is a Rev-ErbA agonist that is said to function as a metabolic modulator, meaning it has great benefits for boosting endurance and stamina during exercise. It generally appeals to athletes who want to improve endurance and recovery, in addition to some fat-loss capabilities. It is a relatively new drug that does not yet have a lot of research behind it, and it is not yet approved for use in humans, however, its effects and benefits are making it increasingly more popular among performance-enhancing athletes. Many athletes have reported exceptional results despite the lack of official scientific research and its effects on humans.
Additional Information:
10mg x 60 tablets
Half-Life: 4 hours
Recommended Male Dosage: 5-30mg/day
Ideal Cycle Length: 8 weeks
Common Stacks: Cardarine, Ligandrol
Benefits of Stenabolic (SR-9009)?
Some of the potential benefits of SR-9009 shown in lab studies include:
- Improved oxygen consumption
- Increased endurance and stamina
- Improved recovery time
- Improved metabolism and fat-loss capabilities
- Decreased inflammation
- Lower cholesterol levels
- Improved sleep quality
What is the recommended dosage?
Stenabolic has a very short half-life of only 4 hours, so it is recommended that this drug is taken within 2 hours before your workout for optimal results. Effects can be seen at doses of as little as 5mg, with a maximum dose of 30mg. It is common to split the dose into two or three doses per day to have the effects last for longer than a single workout. This can provide greater benefits for sleep quality and maintaining mental focus for longer periods. Most users find a balance at around 30mg daily, split into three doses of 10mg, in order to maintain optimal levels of Stenabolic. It is not recommended to use this compound for longer than an 8-week cycle.
What Does SR-9009 Stack Well With?
Just as with dosing, when it comes to the best cycles for Stenabolic, there is no official scientific data on how long Stenabolic should be used for and what the best compounds are to stack it with. Determining which compounds stack the best with Stenabolic comes down to personal preference and experimentation as there is such little research behind this drug. It is common to see SR-9009 used on its own or stacked with Ligandrol or Cardarine to boost endurance and fat loss. Cardarine and Stenabolic make for a powerful cutting stack as the addition of Cardarine ensures that muscle is not being used for energy, while Stenabolic drastically improves stamina during workouts.
Owen Tucker –
Used this on a cut and managed to maintain muscle while shredding some fat for the summer. Great product