Superdrol 15mg 60 Tabs

Superdrol 15mg 60 Tabs

5.00 out of 5
(5 customer reviews)


Methasterone, commonly known as Superdrol, is a designer steroid that is often referred to as a “super” form of Anadrol which is able to deliver greater anabolic and muscle-building benefits. It is considered one of the best orals you can take for mass gains without any water retention. It was developed in 1956 by Syntex, the same Pharmaceutical company that formulated Anadrol and Masteron. It was designed in an attempt to find an azo compound (containing two adjacent nitrogen atoms) with anti-tumour properties but was incorrectly marketed and sold as a pro-hormone in an attempt to bypass the Steroids Control Act of 1990. It was originally being sold as an over-the-counter dietary supplement. In 2005, the FDA issued a warning, stating that Superdrol contained an unapproved steroid compound (methasterone), and consequently, it was pulled from the market. It was never marketed for medical use and is only available on the black market.

Additional Information: 15mg x 60 tablets

Anabolic/Androgenic Rating: 400/20

Half-life: 6-8 hours

Recommended Male Dosage: 10-20mg/day

Ideal Cycle Length (Male): 6-8 weeks

Recommended Female Dosage: not recommended

Ideal Cycle Length (Female): not recommended

Common Stacks: Testosterone (all varieties), Deca, NPP, Equipoise, Trenbolone

Category: Tag:


What is Superdrol?

Methasterone is a C-17 alpha alkylated oral anabolic steroid derived from DHT. Its chemical structure is a close derivative of Drostanolone (masteron), with the only difference being the addition of a c17 alpha methyl group to allow for oral administration. This small chemical modification results in a greater anabolic effect and a slightly reduced androgenic impact compared to Masteron. This makes Superdrol a powerful anabolic steroid with very low androgenic properties, carrying an anabolic to androgenic rating of 400/20, respectively. Although the chemical structure is similar, the results obtained from superdrol are far more drastic than those of Masteron and Superdrol’s results more closely resemble Anadrol.

Superdrol doesn’t aromatize but being an oral steroid it does come with toxicity risks to the liver and is not considered suitable for anyone who has existing liver health issues. But for those who are healthy and who are not confident in using injectable steroids, Superdrol can provide an enticing option to achieve excellent anabolic results without having to inject. Superdrol has a short half-life of about 8 hours. It works very quickly once administered and its effects can be noticed even within the first few hours. It is a very versatile steroid that fits well into both bulking and cutting cycles. In the off-season, you can expect clean gains with an increased metabolism, as well as the ability to maintain existing gains. The cutting phase is often where Superdrol can deliver the greatest benefits. During the cutting phase, more calories are burned than taken in with food. This calorie deficit can easily result in a loss of muscle tissue when the body is becoming catabolic and burning up muscle for energy. Superdrol prevents this by promoting a high anabolic state in the body, encouraging the body to burn fat without the loss of lean muscle tissue while your body is taking in fewer calories. This allows you to confidently cut away fat without losing your hard-earned lean muscle. Without bloating and fluid retention, Superdrol can make an ideal cutting compound resulting in a hardened, dry look that can be difficult to achieve with other compounds.

Some of the benefits:

  • Increased protein synthesis and nitrogen retention
  • Enhanced recovery
  • Increased strength and stamina
  • Rapid results
  • Increases appetite and promotes weight gain
  • Does not aromatize therefore no water retention or gyno
  • Increased Red Blood Cell Count

What is the recommended dosage?

Every athlete’s dosage of Superdrol will differ depending on goals and other compounds being stacked with it.  In our opinion, a sensible dosage for most male users is from 10-20mg/day. It is not uncommon for advanced athletes to take doses of up to 30mg/day, however, this must be done with caution due to the high toxicity to the liver. It is recommended that superdrol be used in a limited fashion rather than included in a very long cycle. A 6-8 week cycle is considered the maximum safe cycle length, followed by a 6-8 week break. Cycles longer than 8 weeks pose a greater risk of excessive stress to the liver and should be avoided.

What does Superdrol stack well with?

Superdrol users can expect high suppression of natural testosterone, and therefore, will require the use of a testosterone compound.  PCTs are essential in accelerating the restoration of natural testosterone production after a superdrol cycle is completed.

In addition to Testosterone, users may find a combination of other injectable steroids such as Deca-Durabolin, NPP, or Equipoise to be extremely beneficial. For more extreme results, some users will also add Trenbolone to their cycles.

5 reviews for Superdrol 15mg 60 Tabs

  1. 5 out of 5

    Justin Hampton

    Very powerful. Started with two tablets per day but found I only need one. Pumps and strength gains are crazy!

  2. 5 out of 5

    Peter Cardis

    Just finished my Superdrol only cycle with these and went up 11lbs in just over a month without any noticeable sides

  3. 5 out of 5

    Tom Sellers

    I was worried about side effects before I started but I ended up not really having any but I did only run it for a month. Nothing works like this for gaining size quickly

  4. 5 out of 5


    Muscle fullness and strength went way up

  5. 5 out of 5


    Just used there superdrol for first time iv been using ped since I was 16 iam 35 oxygen superdrol is top notch

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Superdrol 15mg 60 Tabs
Superdrol 15mg 60 Tabs