


5.00 out of 5
(1 customer review)

Original price was: $255.00.Current price is: $216.75.

Presenting our Superman stack a combination of Masteron Propionate, Testosterone Propionate, and Trenbolone Acetate. This is for serious athletes and bodybuilders who want to take their performance to the next level.

Masteron Propionate (drostanolone propionate) is an anabolic steroid that promotes lean muscle mass and reduces body fat. Testosterone Propionate is a fast-acting testosterone ester that increases muscle size, strength and endurance, energy and recovery. Trenbolone Acetate is an anabolic steroid that increases muscle mass, strength and vascularity.

Together these three compounds give you a complete solution for your performance needs. This combination promotes muscle growth and development, strength and endurance, body fat reduction and overall athletic performance.

Our Masteron Propionate, Testosterone Propionate, and Trenbolone Acetate stack is for serious bodybuilders and athletes who want to get the best results. Whether you want to build muscle, strength or overall physical performance this combination has everything you need to get there. So wait no more! Try it now and take performance to the next level!

Masteron Propionate 150mg/mL 10mL

Drostanolone Propionate, commonly known as Masteron Propionate, was introduced for medical use in 1961 for the treatment of breast cancer in women. Although it is no longer marketed commercially, it is a common androgen and anabolic steroid used among bodybuilders during their cutting cycles to harden the look of muscles. It is derived from DHT which has been structurally altered by the addition of a methyl group at the C2 position. This means that drostanolone is not a substrate for aromatase, and therefore, cannot be aromatized into estrogenic metabolites, producing no estrogenic activity. This makes it an ideal choice for athletes struggling with estrogenic side effects such as gynecomastia and fluid retention, as Masteron could reduce the effects caused by other drugs in your stack, reducing the need for an anti-estrogen. It is also not known to pose a risk of hepatotoxicity.

Additional Information:

150 mg/mL
10 mL multi-dose vial

Anabolic/Androgenic Rating: 62/25
Half-Life: 1-2 days

Recommended Male Dosage: 200-600mg/week, divided into 3 injections/week
Ideal Cycle Length (Male): 8-12 weeks

Recommended Female Dosage: 50-100mg/week, divided into 3 injections/week
Ideal Cycle Length (Female): 6 weeks

Common Stacks: Testosterone Propionate, Trenbolone Acetate, Anavar, Winstrol

Test Propionate 100mg/mL 10mL

Testosterone Propionate/Test Propionate (TP) is perhaps the most important ester of synthetic testosterone ever produced. It was introduced in the early 1930s and was the first testosterone ester to be marketed in the medical field. It was the primary form of testosterone used until longer-acting esters were introduced in the 1960s. TP has the shortest ester, allowing for user-controlled release of the hormone into the body. Optimal blood plasma levels can be obtained in a matter of hours, which can be extremely advantageous to bodybuilders looking to gain lean muscle mass and strength. By maintaining a frequent injection schedule, stable and peaked blood-hormone levels can be obtained due to the short half-life of the ester. Although TP most similarly resembles the naturally occurring male androgen testosterone, it does not provide a sustained release of the hormone, and therefore, is rarely used for TRT due to the frequent injection schedule.

The same benefits can be obtained with TP as with all other testosterone esters, including increased metabolic rate, red blood cell count, and IGF-1 output, enhanced protein synthesis and nitrogen retention, increased recovery and endurance, and fat-loss benefits. The anabolic/androgenic rating is 100/100.

Additional Information

100 mg/mL
10 mL multi-dose vial

Anabolic/Androgenic Rating: 100/100
Half-life: 4.5 days

Recommended Male Dosage: 300-1000 mg/week
Ideal Cycle Length (Male): 8-12 weeks

Recommended Female Dosage: not recommended
Ideal Cycle Length (Female): not recommended

Common Stacks: NPP, Masteron Propionate, Deca Durabolin, Primobolan, Trenbolone Acetate, Dianabol, Anadrol, Turinabol, Anavar, Winstrol

TRENBOLONE ACETATE (Tren Steroid)- 100mg/mL 10mL

Trenbolone acetate steroid - An anabolic-androgenic steroid drug of synthetic origin, which is mainly used as a feeder in beef cattle and systems to stimulate the production of muscle mass in animals. It's called "Tren Ace" among the bodybuilders. Trenbolone acetate steroid has extremely anabolic effects and is very popular among athletes.

It is applied in veterinary practice for muscle mass growth and an increase in appetite in cattle. It is believed to be 3 to 5 times stronger than testosterone by the androgen receptor. This leads to massive muscle growth and protein synthesis in the body.

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Benefits of Superman:

  1. Lean Muscle: Superman is designed to build lean muscle mass so your gains are big and defined.
  2. Strength: Power up your workouts with more strength and endurance to push yourself to new limits and beyond.
  3. Fat Burning: Unleash the superhero within and burn that stubborn body fat to reveal a chiselled physique.
  4. Vascularity: Get more vascularity for that ripped look and show off your hard work.
  5. Hormone Balance: Testosterone Propionate ensures hormone balance for overall health and vitality.
  6. Muscle Sparing: Masteron Propionate and Trenbolone Acetate work together to prevent muscle loss during the cutting phases.


Why Superman Stack?

Our Superman stack is the result of cutting-edge formulation, combining three compounds to create a synergy greater than the sum of its parts. Whether you’re looking for a competitive physique or just the best version of yourself, Superman is your sidekick.

Become the superhero you want to be. Take your fitness to the next level with Superman where power, precision and performance meet. Unleash the extraordinary in you!

1 review for Superman

  1. 5 out of 5


    Ordered 2 of these stacks and did 1ml of each every other day with shocking results. Dropped bodyfat and managed to gain at the same time. Will run again in another few months

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