Female Cut


Female Cut

5.00 out of 5
(1 customer review)

Original price was: $270.00.Current price is: $240.00.

Females who wish to shed pounds and reduce body fat should think about using this stack. T3 is one of the most potent fat-burning agents available while Anavar and Winstrol will both preserve lean and hard muscle tissue. You’ll be looking good and feeling awesome in no time with this stack.

Guide: Female Cut is only recommended for Females during the shredding (Fat-loss) cycle.

CYTOMEL [T3] 25mcg 100 Tabs

Cytomel is the brand name for liothyronine sodium, a synthetic form of triiodothyronine (T3) the thyroid hormone. Energy production, metabolism, and general growth and development are all dependent on this hormone. Cytomel is used for hypothyroidism (a condition where the thyroid gland doesn’t produce enough hormones). But it’s also popular in the bodybuilding community for its metabolism boost and can significantly improve results in the cutting phase.

Female Anavar 5mg 50 Tabs

Oxandrolone was first introduced in the early 1960s under the trade name Anavar by GD Searle & co. and was promoted as carrying numerous therapeutic qualities. Shortly after its first appearance, it nearly disappeared entirely in 1989 due to FDA pressure and control of the steroid market. It reappeared in 1995 and now remains one of the most common and popular oral anabolic steroids due to its widely-tolerated nature among both men and women, with little to no side effects. It is primarily prescribed to prevent frailty and loss of muscle mass due to ageing, surgery, infection, trauma, and other catabolic clinical disorders. It has also been proven effective in treating prolonged exposure to corticosteroids and osteoporosis by the promotion of bone density. It carries a high anabolic rating (322-630), indicating it is 3-6x stronger than testosterone, however, it does not directly translate to that for muscle-building properties in the real world. If you are looking for massive gains for a bulking cycle, Anavar will not cut it. It is considered one of the weaker bulking steroids, making it an excellent choice for women. It is more commonly used among both male and female athletes during a cutting cycle due to its excellent ability to burn fat while preserving lean muscle tissue.

Female Anavar (PINK): 5mg x 50 tablets / Standard Anavar (GREEN): 20mg x 50 tablets

Anabolic/Androgenic Rating: (322-630):24

Half-life: 8 hours

Recommended Dosage: 5-15mg/day (FEMALE)

Ideal Cycle Length: 6-8 weeks (FEMALE)

Common FEMALE Stacks: Winstrol, Primobolan, Clenbuterol, and T3.

Winstrol (Stanogen) 25mg 60 Tabs

Winstrol is one of the most popular and well-known anabolic steroids on earth. It was developed in the late 1950s and comes in both oral and injectable forms. There is no difference in the strengths of oral and injectable Winstrol; the only difference is in how quickly it is absorbed by the body. The oral half-life is 9 hours, whereas, the injectable form carries a half-life of 24 hours. The oral form has become the more popular choice, as the injectable form is a water-based suspension that is known to cause painful injections. Both forms have yet to lose FDA approval due to the numerous therapeutic treatment plans they can be used in.

Additional Information:

25mg x 60 tablets

Anabolic/Androgenic Rating: 320/30

Half-life: 9 hours

Recommended Male Dosage: 25-75mg/day

Ideal Cycle Length (Male): 6-8 weeks

Recommended Female Dosage: 5-15mg/day

Ideal Cycle Length (Female): 6-8 weeks

Common Stacks: Testosterone, Masteron, Trenbolone, Equipoise



Benefits of Female Cut:

  • Fat Burning: The T3 increases your metabolism, which means faster fat loss.
  • Muscle Retention: Anavar and Winstrol complement one another and will preserve and even increase lean muscle tissue, avoiding muscle loss throughout a cutting period.
  • Physical Appearance: You can stack this combo to help you achieve a lean, defined, and physically appealing body.
  • Performance: The strength and endurance boost you’ll get from Anavar and Winstrol will improve your performance during workouts and training sessions.


Possible Side Effects of Female Cut: T3, Anavar, and Winstrol Combo

  1. Liver Toxicity: Anavar and Winstrol when used in combination may form the risk of liver toxicity. Always keep dosages as low as possible, to prevent liver toxicity.
  2. Low Sex Drive: The risk of low sex drive exists when using this combo, especially in female bodybuilders and athletes.
  3. Aggression: This is another steroid side effect and users should be ready for such situations.
  4. Acne, hair loss: Anavar and Winstrol side effects may include acne and hair loss.
  5. Testosterone suppression, high blood pressure: Winstrol combined with Anavar can produce more effects on testosterone suppression and may also increase blood pressure significantly. Winstrol is also said to be very toxic to the liver (ALT and AST enzymes increase significantly).



We must inform that the safe use, the observance of the correct doses and the proper monitoring for possible side effects, are necessary for a satisfactory result if you are considering taking this combination.

Thus, we can again say that the possible side effects must be balanced with the intended results. If possible, seek medical or professional advice before starting such use.

1 review for Female Cut

  1. 5 out of 5


    Very effective and felt great. SO nice to see progress in the mirror

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