IBUTAMOREN (MK-677) – 15mg x 50 Tabs

Buy Best Quality Ibutamoren In Canada

IBUTAMOREN (MK-677) – 15mg x 50 Tabs

Ibutamoren (MK-677) is a very popular compound in the fitness and bodybuilding world. It’s a growth hormone secretagogue that increases your body’s production of human growth hormone (HGH) and insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1). This means if you are looking to improve your physique and performance it can hugely benefit you.

Each bottle contains 50 tabs of 15mg each. It’s used during bulking cycles to build muscle mass, improve recovery times, and increase strength and endurance. It also has anti-aging effects, skin and hair quality.

It’s non hormonal so it won’t mess with your body’s natural hormone production. Much safer than traditional anabolic steroids as it has fewer side effects. This is also non-toxic to the liver and kidneys so perfect for health-conscious people.

Benefits of Ibutamoren:

  • Increased muscle and strength gains
  • Improved fat loss while maintaining muscle gains
  • Positive effect on insulin levels
  • Improved recovery and sleep quality
  • Increased IGF-1 and HGH levels
  • Increased appetite
  • Increased bone density
  • Stimulate collagen production

Additional Information:

15mg x 50 tablets

Half-Life: 24 hours

Buy LIGANDROL (LGD-4033) in Canada

LIGANDROL (LGD-4033) – 5mg x 60 Tabs

LGD-4033, commonly known as Ligandrol, is a popular SARM (selective androgen receptor modulator) that has been developed to specifically target androgen receptors in the muscles and bones, resulting in mild to no side effects in users. During development, this SARM’s intended purpose was for the treatment of conditions such as osteoporosis and muscle wasting. Its main purpose is to increase muscle mass and repair muscle while gaining zero fat, making it appealing to a wide range of athletes.

It carries a high level of androgenic activity, resulting in a high suppression of testosterone and impacting HDL levels and low doses, therefore, should be supplemented with a testosterone derivative to maintain healthy testosterone levels. It is one of the few SARMs that has been backed by scientific evidence through human clinical trials and studies. This makes Ligandrol very appealing to a wide range of users with different goals, from bulking and cutting, to improving recovery and body composition. Users can expect to see improvements within a short time frame, sometimes within just 21 days.

Buy CARDARINE (GW-501516) in Canada

CARDARINE (GW-501516) – 20mg 50 Tabs

GW-501516, commonly known as Cardarine, is a unique drug similar to androgenic steroids, including testosterone, that is classified as a PPAR receptor agonist. This class of drugs are linked to the SARM (selective androgen receptor modulator) family, but technically Cardarine is not an SARM. It is a relatively new drug, with research beginning in 1992. These drugs are touted as an aid for muscle building without many of the side effects of traditional steroids.

It is used in the treatment of various cardiovascular diseases, as well as diabetes, obesity and other conditions. It is highly effective in burning fat and enhancing endurance, and has also been proven to increase HDL levels (good cholesterol). The effects of Cardarine are fairly significant and may be a welcomed addition to a stack for the performance-enhancing athlete.

One of the many benefits of using a PPAR or SARM is that they do not produce many of the negative side effects of traditional anabolic steroids. This has no androgenic properties, and therefore virilization will not occur in women. There is no conversion of testosterone to estrogen, therefore, no testosterone suppression or estrogenic side effects (water retention, bloating, gynecomastia, high blood pressure, etc.). It is also not toxic to the liver making it an increasingly popular drug among many athletes.

WINSTROL/Stanogen - among the top 5 Anabolic in Canada

Winstrol (Stanogen) 25mg 60 Tabs

Winstrol is one of the most popular and well-known anabolic steroids on earth. It was developed in the late 1950s and comes in both oral and injectable forms. There is no difference in the strengths of oral and injectable Winstrol; the only difference is in how quickly it is absorbed by the body. The oral half-life is 9 hours, whereas, the injectable form carries a half-life of 24 hours. The oral form has become the more popular choice, as the injectable form is a water-based suspension that is known to cause painful injections. Both forms have yet to lose FDA approval due to the numerous therapeutic treatment plans they can be used in.

Additional Information:

25mg x 60 tablets

Anabolic/Androgenic Rating: 320/30

Half-life: 9 hours

Recommended Male Dosage: 25-75mg/day

Ideal Cycle Length (Male): 6-8 weeks

Recommended Female Dosage: 5-15mg/day

Ideal Cycle Length (Female): 6-8 weeks

Common Stacks: Testosterone, Masteron, Trenbolone, Equipoise

Buy Proviron 25mg 50 Tabs

Proviron 25mg 50 Tabs

Proviron, officially known as Mesterolone, is one of the oldest anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) on the market, first appearing by the pharmaceutical company Schering in 1934.  It is an extremely unique AAS and remains one of the most understood steroids among steroid users.  Although it shares some similarities to some steroids such as Masteron, Anavar, and Winstrol, its benefits are quite specific and different to most other anabolic steroids available.

Additional Information:

25mg x 50 tablets

Anabolic/Androgenic Rating: (30-40)/(100-150)

Half-life: 8-12 hours

Recommended Male Dosage: 50-100mg/day

Ideal Cycle Length (Male): 8-12 weeks

Recommended Female Dosage: not recommended

Ideal Cycle Length (Female): not recommended

Common Stacks: Testosterone (all varieties), Winstrol, Anavar, Clenbuterol, Masteron

PRIMOBOLAN 100mg/mL 10mL | PRIMOBOLAN 100mg/mL 10mL | Injectable steroids canada

Primobolan100mg/mL 10mL

Methenolone Enanthate, commonly known as Primobolan, or just Primo, was first introduced for medical use in 1962 for the treatment of muscle wasting disease and anaemia due to bone marrow failure. Although it was widely used in the past, its use has mostly been discontinued in the medical field apart from Turkey and Spain and is now most commonly used among elite athletes and bodybuilders, with Arnold Schwarzenegger being a strong supporter of Primo. It carries one of the safest anabolic/androgenic ratings among all anabolic steroids, with moderate anabolic effects, weak androgenic effects, and no estrogenic effects or hepatoxicity (no risk of liver damage), making it the preferred choice among both male and female athletes. Primobolan is a DHT-derivative, and therefore, is an agonist of the androgen receptor and is not aromatized, producing no estrogenic side effects like gynecomastia, high blood pressure, and water retention/bloating.

Additional Information

100 mg/mL
10 mL multi-dose vial

Anabolic/Androgenic Rating: 88/(44-57)
Half-life: 10-14 days

Recommended Male Dosage: 400-800 mg/week
Ideal Cycle Length (Male): 12-16 weeks

Recommended Female Dosage: 50-100mg/week
Ideal Cycle Length (Female): 6-8 weeks

Common Stacks: Testosterone, Trenbolone, Dianabol, Anadrol, Turinabol, Anavar, Winstrol

Masteron Enanthate 200mg/mL 10mL

Masteron Enanthate 200mg/mL 10mL

Masteron Enanthate is the longer-acting ester of drostanolone that is commonly used by bodybuilders during cutting cycles to harden the look of muscles. It is a structurally altered form of DHT by the addition of a methyl group at the C2 position and is commonly known for its anti-estrogenic effects as it is not a substrate for aromatase, and therefore cannot be aromatized into estrogenic metabolites, producing no estrogenic activity. This makes it an ideal choice for athletes struggling with estrogenic side effects such as gynecomastia and fluid retention. Masteron could reduce the effects caused by other drugs in your stack, reducing the need for an anti-estrogen. It is also not known to pose a risk of hepatotoxicity.

Additional Information:

200 mg/mL
10 mL multi dose vial

Anabolic/Androgenic Rating: 62/25
Half-Life: 6 days

Recommended Male Dosage: 200-600 mg/week, with one injection/week
Ideal Cycle Length (Male): 8-12 weeks

Recommended Female Dosage: not recommended. Females should only use the propionate ester if desired.
Ideal Cycle Length (Female): not recommended

Common Stacks: Testosterone Enanthate/Cypionate/Sustanon, Trenbolone Enanthate, Anavar, Winstrol

Masteron Propionate 150mg/mL 10mL

Masteron Propionate 150mg/mL 10mL

Drostanolone Propionate, commonly known as Masteron Propionate, was introduced for medical use in 1961 for the treatment of breast cancer in women. Although it is no longer marketed commercially, it is a common androgen and anabolic steroid used among bodybuilders during their cutting cycles to harden the look of muscles. It is derived from DHT which has been structurally altered by the addition of a methyl group at the C2 position. This means that drostanolone is not a substrate for aromatase, and therefore, cannot be aromatized into estrogenic metabolites, producing no estrogenic activity. This makes it an ideal choice for athletes struggling with estrogenic side effects such as gynecomastia and fluid retention, as Masteron could reduce the effects caused by other drugs in your stack, reducing the need for an anti-estrogen. It is also not known to pose a risk of hepatotoxicity.

Additional Information:

150 mg/mL
10 mL multi-dose vial

Anabolic/Androgenic Rating: 62/25
Half-Life: 1-2 days

Recommended Male Dosage: 200-600mg/week, divided into 3 injections/week
Ideal Cycle Length (Male): 8-12 weeks

Recommended Female Dosage: 50-100mg/week, divided into 3 injections/week
Ideal Cycle Length (Female): 6 weeks

Common Stacks: Testosterone Propionate, Trenbolone Acetate, Anavar, Winstrol

EQUIPOISE 300mg/mL 10mL | Injectable steroids canada

Equipoise (EQ) 300mg/mL 10mL

Boldenone Undecylenate or Equipoise or EQ was introduced for medical use in the 1960’s, but discontinued for use in humans in the 1970’s. Today, it is more commonly used in Veterinary medicine, mainly in horses to increase weight, coat, and general physical condition. It is not approved by the FDA for use in humans, however, it is still rated amongst the top-rated steroids of all time by bodybuilders due to the clean gains experienced by users. Some of the benefits of Equipoise include the vast production of Red Blood Cells, low estrogenic effect, improved muscular endurance and recovery, quality lean mass gains, and increased appetite and strength.

Additional Information

300 mg/mL
10 mL multi dose vial

Anabolic/Androgenic Rating: 50/100
Half-life: 14-15 days

Recommended Male Dosage: 300-800 mg/week
Ideal Cycle Length (Male): 8-12 weeks

Recommended Female Dosage: not recommended
Ideal Cycle Length (Female): not recommended

Common Stacks: Any Testosterone variety, Masteron Enanthate, Trenbolone Enanthate, Dianabol, Anadrol, Turinabol, Anavar, Winstrol

NPP 100mg/mL 10mL | Injectable steroids canada

Nandrolone Phenylpropionate (NPP) 100mg/mL 10mL

Nandrolone Phenylpropionate (NPP) was the first nandrolone ester that was introduced for medical use in 1959. It was used primarily in the treatment of breast cancer and osteoporosis in women and has since become one of the most widely used nandrolone esters among bodybuilders. Although NPP was widely used in the medical field in the past, its use has been mostly discontinued and has been largely superseded by nandrolone decanoate (Deca Durabolin), the longer-acting and more convenient form of nandrolone. Both esters of nandrolone are still extremely popular in the bodybuilding world.

Additional Information

100 mg/mL
10 mL multi-dose vial

Anabolic/Androgenic Rating: 125/37
Half-life: 4 days

Recommended Male Dosage: 100-400 mg/week
Ideal Cycle Length (Male): 8-12 weeks

Recommended Female Dosage: 50 mg/week
Ideal Cycle Length (Female): 4-6 weeks

Common Stacks: Any Testosterone variety, Dianabol, Anadrol, Turinabol, Anavar

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